So, how does this thing work?

Super easy. It’s basically a tube to hold your seeds—fresh ones and cracked/spent shells—all in one container. Just squeeze the bottom cap to out shake the fresh seeds. Then, squeeze the top cap to spit your cracked shells right into the top slit. The divider bag keeps everything separate and sanitary, and you can replace the bag as needed.

How is SQEEDS better than the bag of seeds I’m used to?

It’s all about simplicity. Anyone who eats seeds eventually encounters the same problem: where to put the shells once you’ve eaten the seeds. If you’re like us, you’ve always used a “spitter cup”–which means you have to juggle the spitter cup AND the bag of shells AND trying to pour while you’re driving. SQEEDS lets you to take your seeds anywhere–without the mess or hassle of the “old” way. And because people eat seeds nearly everywhere, it means we’re all cleaning up our act…from our cars and offices, to dugouts and ballfields. It’s a win for everyone.

How do I fill my SQEEDS?

First, remove the top cap and pull out the bag provided for your first use. (You can use your own sandwich bag in the future). Pour in your favorite brand of shells. Place the bag on top of the fresh shells, then stretch bag around outer edge. Replace the top cap to hold the bag in place.

How often should I empty/replace my bag?

Without getting graphic, spent shells can get pretty gross. Pull your bag out when it’s full, or whenever you need to get rid of all that yuckiness. You can empty the original bag many times. Or, replace it with a simple sandwich bag, as needed. Doggie poop bags (unused, of course) also work great.

When I squeeze the caps, should they bend in or out?

This is a personal-preference thing. The caps are “trainable”, so if you prefer your slit to pop up/out, coax it into that shape for a few uses. If you prefer a downward bend when you squeeze, that’s okay too. You’re the boss of your SQEEDS.

Can I put my SQEEDS in the dishwasher?

No! Dishwashers are the enemy of your SQEEDS. Just a simple hand-wash, rinse and air-dry is all you need to keep your SQEEDS fresh as a daisy—-or a sunflower.

Why doesn’t the canister come pre-filled with seeds?

Look, everyone is different. Some folks are hard-core Dill-Pickle seed lovers. Others love BBQ, some still swear by Original. No matter what flavor or brand you love, SQEEDS doesn’t discriminate. Fill it up with your fave, and hit the road.

Why is the bottom cap glued on?

No one wants a Cup Holder Disaster. We’ve glued on the bottom cap so it doesn’t come loose when you pull your SQEEDS out of your cup holder. Don’t try to pull the bottom cap off—your SQEEDS will get seriously injured.

Can I put other snacks in my SQEEDS?

Knock yourself out. All materials are FDA-approved, food-grade quality. SQEEDS containers are also perfect for kids’ snacks, nuts, even pet treats.