squeeds sqeeds


Likely the hottest debate of the year, we’ve had lots of questions about the “right” way to spell the name of our little wonder product. Yes, we know. You should always use a “U” after a “Q”. For all you spelling bee winners and lovable nitpickers, that would make the spelling SQUEEDS (there’s the U that you all seem to love).

But we like the “no U” in SQEEDS, which makes it look more like the word SEEDS. Ah ha, see what we did there? SEEDS—-SQEEDS? Catchy, right?

So no matter how you spell it—SQUEEDS or SQEEDS—you’ll love the easy-to-take-with-U-design (wink wink) and you’ll find there’s no better way to eat sunflower seeds.

Buy yours today and get crackin’. We’ll love “U” for it.

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